
Get Ready for The Next Bull Wave with Uniglo (GLO), Cronos (CRO), and FTX (FTT)

Binance is home to many experts and seasoned crypto users who watch the market closely for any worthwhile developments. According to one Binance insider, the next bull wave is coming. When the wave hits the crypto market, holders of Cronos (CRO) andFTX (FTT) could be placed in an excellent position. The insider also notes that the crypto market could be seeing the rise of a new decentralized finance (DeFi) player, Uniglo (GLO), in the next bull run.Cronos (CRO)The upcoming bull wave will be rewarding for holders of the Cronos token, CRO. Cronos was the first EVM-compatible chain that had been built on Cosmos. This chain provides an instant port for decentralized applications (DApps) from ethereum ethereum Blockchain NetworkTechnology Followers : 0 View profile and Ethereum virtual machine (EVM)-compatible chains. Cronos is also known for bridging to the public chain Chain. It was also previously referred to as Coin. However, in an effort to reflect the growth and expansion of its entire ecosystem, it was rebranded to cronos cronos Blockchain Network Followers : 0 View profile , or CRO in February earlier this year. Today, the network has approximately 10 million users.FTX (FTT)FTX is a platform for cryptocurrency exchange in which its native token FTT is used as the fee for trading, collateralization, staking, and receiving non-fungible token (NFT) rewards. Some holders of the FTX token, FTT, might have given up on this token during the bearish market. But the price of FTT could soon pick up, as the market is about to get hit by the next bull run. The price of FTT is expected to rise, offering strong earning opportunities for those buying the token today. Uniglo (GLO)Similar to ftx exchange ftx exchange Centralised Exchange Followers : 0 View profile , uniglo uniglo Cryptocurrencies Followers : 0 View profile also dabbles in NFTs to an extent. Uniglo is a new community-based social currency that has a foundation built with a wide range of assets. The project will implement and grow an asset vault for digital currencies, digitalized gold, and rare NFTs. This asset basket is intended to strengthen Uniglo’s native token, GLO, ensuring that it does not easily rise and fall according to the whim of token holders or the macro-economic factors in the market. Unlike Cronos and FTX, however, Uniglo offers fractionalized asset ownership as well as the implementation of a special Ultra-Burn Mechanism that will further drive down the supply of GLO in the secondary market.Final ThoughtThe cryptocurrency market has been on a prolonged slump this 2022. As the market approaches the next bull wave, crypto investors should prepare to take their pick of which digital currencies to hold on to once the market picks up.For More Information:Join Presale: This is a press release post. Coinpedia does not endorse or is responsible for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, or other materials on this page. Readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.Was this writing helpful?

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