The price of tons in the last 24 hours increased by more than 20 %and exceeded $ 3.45. This rise, which attracts attention in the crypto currency market, carried Ton’s market value over 8.14 billion dollars. This mobility took place immediately after the return of the passport by the French authorities of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Durov’s re -winning freedom of travel was interpreted as a telegram ecosystem and a positive development by investors.
The return of Pavel Durov’s passport was on the agenda
The extradition of Pavel Durov’s passport, the founder of Telegram, aroused a wide repercussion in the crypto currency community. Durov, who had previously made important outputs on confidentiality and freedom of expression, has been faced with the pressure of some states for years.
Ton Foundation said in a statement, Durov’s determination on confidentiality and freedom was supported. Telegram has been positioned as a centerless and censorship -resistant communication platform for years. In this context, Durov’s re -gaining freedom is considered an important development for both Telegram users and tons investors.
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Backing the passport of Durov’s passport increases the confidence in the Telegram ecosystem, while some experts think that this development may have triggered the sudden rise in the tone price. Considering how news streams affect asset prices in the crypto currency market, this development is also positively reflected in Ton.
Telegram wallet updated with new features
The Telegram team continues to improve the user experience by adding new features to the wallet application. With the latest update, the wallet application includes multiple asset support, a new return program and an updated user interface.
Thanks to new features, users have become able to manage different crypto currencies on a single platform. In addition, with the return program, investors can earn passive income from their assets. The user -friendly interface makes it easier and more reliable of transfers on Telegram.
Sector experts believe that these innovations can increase the adoption of ton. Considering the wide user base of Telegram, the innovations brought to the wallet application can lead to more adoption in the crypto currency market. After these developments, users began to show more interest in the telegram wallet.
Market analysts say Telegram’s integration into the crypto currency world is increasingly strengthened. Whether the recent rise of Ton is a speculative increase will be clearer in the coming days. However, the combination of developments such as wallet updates and the return of Durov’s passport seems to have mobilized investors.
Responsibility Rejection: The information contained in this article does not contain investment advice. Investors should be aware that crypto currencies carry high volatility and thus risk and carry out their operations in line with their own research.